Adamco, Company في دمشق | محلات الانترنت Adamco, Company دمشق (  سوريا)

Adamco, Company

+963 (11) 214-46-71


  سوريا,  دمشق,  Tanzeem Kafar Sousseh - 6 Iyar Str. - Divider No. 211 - 2nd Floor

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Adamco, Company

ADAMCO is the first national company that manufactures cardiovascular medicine since its establishment. Today, the company has ten varieties of cardiovascular drugs which have absolute confidence of the Syrian Ministry of Health as a result of its quality and effectiveness, unlike many of the similar pharmaceuticals. In addition ADAMCO collaborated with Bayer in Diagnostics. The Company conducts its operations in accordance with the international standards of Pharmaceutical Production, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), ISO 9001, ISO 14001 Quality System Requirements and Environmental Management System. ADAMCO boasts of its ability to build trust bridges with everyone, especially with the Syrian Ministry of Health which monitors all cardiovascular and psychological medication for permanent and strict control. The reputation and the quality of Adamco products made the ministry follow the company products none continuously. ADAMCO currently operates in Syria and has become a pioneer in seizing leading market positions in the local market. In addition to, distribute many of its products in the neighboring countries and looking forward to operate in a variety of geographical locations throughout the Middle East.
المنتجات والخدمات
Disease Drug
Ischemic heart disease drug (vasodilator from the nitrates group). Composition: Each tablet of Adanitra Monodur 60mg SR contains: isosorbide mononitrate 30 mg. Properties: The principal pharmacological action of isosorbide mononitrate is relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and consequent...
المجموعة: أدوية لعلاج أمراض العيون
Pharmaceutical Category: Topical anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antifungal. Composition: Econazol Nitrate 1% Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.1% Neomycin Sulphate 0.25% (each gram of Adamycin cream contains: 10mg econazol nitrate, 1mg triamcinolone acetonide, 2.5mg neomycin sulphate) ...
المجموعة: المضادات الحيوية
Metformin Hydrochloride
Metforin hydrochloride: The absolute bioavailability is approximately 50-60% .GIT absorption is complete within 6 hours of administration. Steady state plasma concentrations are reached within 24-48 hours. Meformin is not bound to plasma proteins and is excreted unchanged. 95% of the absorbed drug...
المجموعة: الجلوكوزامين هيدروكلوريد
Vitamins B1
Vitamin B1: Absorbed mainly from duodenum, the total amount which can be absorbed is 4 to 8 mg. Body stores are approximately 30 mg. Storage is mainly in skeletal muscles, heart, liver, kidneys and brain, it is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine. Vitamin B6: Absorbed from the...
المجموعة: فيتامينات B
Adafol Fe
Table Composition: Folic acid 1 mg Iron (as sulphate) 60 mg Zinc (as sulphate) 15 mg Vitamin C 100 mg Adafol Fe Zinc added is a balanced formula containing the essential factors for the treatment of anemia caused by a deficiency of one or more of its components along with vitamin C for...
المجموعة: الزنك
Vitamins c
Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and trace elements leads to atypical reactions such as: loss of appetite, tiredness and increased susceptibility to infections. Adavit-M is a balanced formula of essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements especially formulated to supplement your daily diet...
المجموعة: فيتامين سي


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